Comment Cuire Savoureuses Healthy pancakes
Healthy pancakes . Check Our Step-By-Step Guide To Bake Up A Sweet Treat For Your Loved Ones. Classic pancakes are filled with refined grains, but your go-to pancake recipe doesn't have to be unhealthy. Enter spelt and quinoa pancakes, a new take on the yummy breakfast staple. These easy healthy pancakes get their fluffy texture from whipped egg whites. If it is a bit wet on top, it may squirt out a little batter as you do so. In that case, leave it on the other side a little longer. Vous pouvez avoir Healthy pancakes using 5 ingrédients et 6 pas. Voici comment réussir ça. Ingrédients de Healthy pancakes Vous avez besoin 100 g de farine. Vous avez besoin 200 g de yaourt de coco. Vous avez besoin 2 de oeufs (ou 4 blancs). C'est 1/2 de sachet de levure chimique. Vous avez besoin de Sucrant si besoin, à doser selon votre goût. Keep warm while you make the remaining pancakes. Serve with your favourite hea...